two years on …



Hello (from the other side- I’m so sorry but I cannot physically stop myself from serenading all of you lovely lot).

Its been two whole years.

Two years since my first legal work experience. ย Two years since I googled ‘how to blog’. ย And after what feels like a L-I-F-E-T-I-M-E I’m ready to blog again.

But first, let me bring you up to speed:

I’m now officially living through law school- which isn’t as glam as Legally Blonde, but yet there is a lot of free wine and I feel super smug when winningย arguments over washing up duties

I live in the fabulous city of Bristol, where clubs and crowdsย have replaced cows and I no longer have to risk my life whilst searching out 3G

I listen to house music- and I don’t even have to pretend to like it anymore, I am nowย at one with the club

I still dream of a life where writing takes centre stageย and I now actually have enoughย life experience and content to begin a bigger and better blog (one can only pray). ย So, here’s to the next chapter, here’s to dreams and here’s to sharing stories which will hopefully make you laugh, cringe, feel better about yourselves and maybe even shed a weeย tear.

But enough about me,ย whats new with you?

From me and my main gal Audrey


Skin care oil trial ๐Ÿ’Œ

  After suffering from spots for what seems like most of secondary school, and quite bad acne for the past couple of years I’ve finally managed to control the breakouts. I mean I still get stress spots and when I have a few too many cheat days in a row it’s not so ok but hey ho we’re all human. 

But my acne scars are still very much a thing and as much as other people have assured me they don’t notice them, to me they’re obvious and I – like many- am self conscious without the gift that is concealer ๐Ÿ™€

But today I picked up some skin oil (they ran out of bio oil and I decided to plough on) and here’s to the next week of trying it in place of other spot creams- although obviously I’ll still moisturise religiously. (Light moisturiser gals and boys, that’s the only way to go).  I’m not a fan of harsh products- they’ve always tended to aggravate my skin and although sceptical about oily skin I reckon it’s worth a try at least! 

Now off to bed ๐Ÿ’ค๐Ÿ’ค (๐Ÿ™ all the product doesn’t rub off on my new sheets ๐Ÿ™ˆ)


Nip and fab appreciation ๐Ÿ™Œ

Nip and fab is like heaven in a jar.

This face mask is 1- seemingly never ending and 2- so lovely that I couldn’t face a pamper evening without it. ๐Ÿ›€

I’d choose it over a lush bath bomb and my golly, that’s something. 

It’s so cooling and creamy, and plus for spot prone skin it clears out your pores whilst not being so harsh as to leave you with sandpaper skin which is the worst thing because even primer can’t fix that.๐Ÿ™…๐Ÿ™…

Anyways, back to nail painting ๐Ÿ’…

Night lovelies! ๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ‘‘ 


Honey honey ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ

I’m no beauty blogger.

Don’t get me wrong, I wish I was good at highlighting and contouring, but I barely know the difference between my makeup brushes and I certainly don’t have the skill to perfect winged eyeliner. 

However… Having problematic, sensitive skin I have become quite the tried and tested bees knees (I laughed so you don’t have to) when it comes to skincare. 

And having gone out this evening without my trusted no7 concealer or pressed powder for the first time in yonks (literally years) it’s down to 3 simple things: 

Listen up 

1). Simple products – they’re godsends 

2). Buying makeup which isn’t dirt cheap (I was living off like ยฃ3 concealer for ages before I realised how much of a mistake this was) 

3). HONEY. ๐Ÿ literally the best thing for acne scars (which are so hard to get rid of, especially if you’ve tried every other medicated option). 

Honey face masks a couple of times a week are honestly where it’s at ๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ‘‘